Menu: NaviLine.OL.Explore


These methods are used to explore fees for a License


The steps to explore a license are:

  1. Get License classes from GetLicenseClassCodes
  2. Clear Explore information with PostExploreInfoClear
  3. Get the renewal period from GetExplorePeriod or GetExplorePeriodExempt
  4. Call GetLicenseAdditionalsAll to get list of additional charges and requirements. Pass zero (0) for the license year and number.
  5. Set the Gross Receipts with PostExploreGrossReceipts to calculate license fees off of.
  6. For each additional charge where type=CHG, call PostExploreAddtlCharge to enter the quantity of items to charge for
  7. Call PostExploreCalcCharges to calculate total license fees


PostExploreInfoClear Clear Explore License Information
GetExplorePeriod Get renew period for explored license
GetExplorePeriodExempt Get renew period for explored license with exemption
GetLicenseAdditionalsAll Gets Optional Charges and Additional Requirements for a license
PostExploreGrossReceipts Post Explore Gross Receipts
PostExploreAddtlCharge Set Additional Charges for Explore License
PostExploreCalcCharges Calculate Total Charges for Explore License