Class FusionOSServices.Controllers.AccountsReceivableController


Accounts Receivable


PostInsertARCRRecords Insert AR or CR Records into the ledger
PostInsertValidateARCRRecords Insert and Validate AR or CR Record into the ledger
PostDeleteARCRRecords Delete AR or CR Records from the ledger
PostFinanceARCRDetails Get details of a Finance AR or CR record
PostFinanceARCRPersonList Get list of persons linked to finance AR or CR record
PostReceipts Get receipts from the ledger for a customer
PostUnpaidCharges Get AR or CR Unpaid Charges
BuildInsertResponse Returns response containing inserted records
BuildARCRRecordResponse Returns respsonse containing only a list of ARCRRecords
CreateResultNode Create an xmlNode from a given object
PostInvoiceChargesPayments This service is used for Invoice Charges payment and returns receipt number