Method PostCallAttachment


Naviline REST service that will add Call Attachments Note: Service does support uploading multiple files of any type


System.String Call ID


POST http://localhost/FusionServices/v3/Naviline/CRM/CallAttachment/12251

Sample Responses

Sample Code

using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

var uri = "http://localhost/FusionServices/v3/Naviline/CRM/CallAttachment/12251";
using (var req = new WebClient())
    // Here is just 1 way to upload a file... What must occur is the file(s) must go into the http request header :: Content-Disposition: filename="{{the file name}}"
var responseBytes = req.UploadFile(uri, "c:\\temp\\image.jpg");
var stringResult = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes);
    // If any file was not successful than the OutputParms.ErrorCode will be "0409"
    // and within the Rows array the ErrorCode will be "0500" and the message will be the exception that occurred... 
    // It could be that FileName not supported, invalid folder, or maybe not authorized to folder... 
    // Also, the fileName that was saved maybe different than you sent in {it auto renames file based on uniqueness}