Menu: NaviLine.OL.Renew


These methods are used to renew a License


The steps to renew a license are:

  1. Get License Details with GetLicenseDetail
  2. Clear renewal calculations with PostRenewInfoClear
  3. Call GetLicenseAdditionals to see if there are additional requirements required, and to check for a Gross Receipt amount reported
  4. Call PostRenewGrossReceipts to see if there are additional per unit charges
  5. Calculate the base fees and charges for the license with PostRenewBaseFees
  6. If the CustomCalcs field from GetLicenseDetail returns Y,

    1. Get the custom calc fields from GetCustomCalcFields
    2. For each field in GetCustomCalcFields that CustomCalcType is E=Editable, prompt for a value
    3. Set the editable custom fields using PostCustomCalcs and get the calculated amounts and total back.

  7. Call GetLicenseAdditionalsAll to get list of additional charges and requirements.
  8. For each additional charge where type=CHG, call PostRenewAddtlCharges to enter the quantity of items to charge for
  9. For each additional requirement where type=REQ, call PostRenewAddtlRequirements to enter the document number and expiration date.
  10. Call PostRenewCalcCharges to calculate total renewal fees
  11. After paying the license fees, call PostRenewLicense to renew the license. This returns a new license number for the renewed license


PostRenewInfoClear Clear Renew Information
GetRenewChangeGR Get Renew Change Gross Receipts
PostRenewBaseFees Post Renew Base Fees
GetRenewLicensesForBiz Get Renewable Licenses for Business
GetLicenseRenewalDetail Get License Renewal Detail
GetCustomCalcFields Get Custom Calc Fields
PostCustomCalcs Set Custom Calc Values
PostRenewGrossReceipts Post Gross Receipts
PostRenewAddtlCharges Set Additional Charge info for Renew
PostRenewAddtlRequirements Set Additional Requirements for Renew
PostRenewCalcCharges Calculate Renew charges
PostRenewLicense Renew License
PostRenewalInformation Renewal Information
PostUpdateRenewalInformation Update Renewal Information