Class FusionOSServices.Controllers.IntelliTimeController


Controller for IntelliTimeInterface


ITEmployee This service returns the following information about employees: employee ID, First Name, Last Name, email address department and calendar.
ITEmployeePCN This service returns the following information about employees: employee ID, job title, departement, supervisor ID, record type. For each job the allowed hours are also provided grouped by hour type (Leave, Regular, OT and OT2)
ITPositions This service returns the following information about Positions: The Position ID, the Position Description (POSLONG), PCN, PCN Description (LONGDESC), and the hours associated with the Position.
ITLeaveTransactions This service returns the information about employee leave transactions
ITGetLeaveDefinitionInfo This service returns the the types of Leave possible and the Hours that affect those Leaves
ITPutTimecards This service writes time card info to Finance Enterprise..
ITGetTimecards This service returns timecard records that have created with this API. This can be run for all employees or for a single employee. In addition to the information inserted when the record was created, the date and time of the insertion will be returned.
ITGetWorkOrders This service returns the list of all Work orders from Finance Enterprise.
ITLeaveBanks This service returns list of leave type hour bases and the hour codes associated with them
ITLedgerKeys This service returns a list of all ledger keys and their associated type