Method ITEmployeePCN

Type: FusionOSServices.Controllers.IntelliTimeController


This service returns the following information about employees: employee ID, job title, departement, supervisor ID, record type. For each job the allowed hours are also provided grouped by hour type (Leave, Regular, OT and OT2)




System.String If an employee ID is provided only information for that employee will be returned.

Sample Code

using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public void MethodName(parms){

    string uri = "";

    using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
        wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
        // Replace "ID" with supplied AppID
        wc.Headers.Set("X-APPID", "ID");
        // Replace "KEY" with supplied AppKey
        wc.Headers.Set("X-APPKEY", "KEY");

        while (uri != null)
            string result = wc.DownloadString(uri);

            var response = JObject.Parse(result);

            var count = (string)response["RequestResponse"]["Count"];
            var employees = (JContainer)response["RequestResponse"]["DATA"]["EMPLOYEES"];

            foreach (var employee in employees)
                // Your code goes here
                string employeeId = (string)employee["IDA"];
                foreach(var job in employee["PCN"])
                    string jobDescription = (string)job["LONGDESC"];
                    string departement = (string)job["DEPARTMENT"];
                    string recordType = (string)job["RECTYPE"];
                    string supervisorId = (string)job["SUPERID"];
                    foreach(var hour in job["HOURS"])
                        string hourNumber = (string)hour["CDHNO"];
                        string hourDescription = (string)hour["CDHTITLE"];
            // responses with more then 1000 employees are broken up into multiple requests
            uri = (string)response["RequestResponse"]["NextUri"];

Sample Responses

              "RequestResponse": {
                "Count": "1",
                "DATA": {
                  "EMPLOYEES": [
                      "DEPARTMENT": "04",
                      "IDA": "E00011",
                      "PCN": [
                          "DEPARTMENT": "",
                          "IDA": "E00011",
                          "PCN": "000041",
                          "RECTYPE": "PM",
                          "LONGDESC": "ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN",
                          "POSLONG": "ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN",
                          "SUPERID": "E00001",
                          "HOURS": [
                              "HOUR": [
                                  "CDHNO": "3002",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "SALARY"
                                  "CDHNO": "3200",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "OVERTIME"
                                  "CDHNO": "3270",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "FLSA1 OVERTIME -MISC"
                                  "CDHNO": "3402",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "VACATION USED"
                                  "CDHNO": "3422",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "SICK USED"
                                  "CDHNO": "3432",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "SICK USED-FAMILY"
                                  "CDHNO": "3442",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "PERSONAL USED"
                                  "CDHNO": "3488",
                                  "CDHTITLE": "COMP USED"