Method GetCaseDetails


Get Case Details


Returns owner, address, phone, and case status details.

Input Parameters

caseYear numeric 2 [Required] Case Year. 2 digit
caseNumber numeric 8 [Required] Case Number


GET http://localhost/FusionServices/v3/Naviline/CodeEnforcement/CaseDetails/{caseYear}/{caseNumber}

Return Values

LandID Location ID
NameType Name type code
NameDescription Name type description
Name Customer name
Address1 Customer address line 1
Address2 Customer address line 2
CityStateZip Combined City, State, and Zip line.
AreaCode Area code portion of phone number
PhoneNumber phone number (no area code)
NoticeLetterFlag Notice letter has been sent out. Y/N
CustomerID Customer ID
CustomerType Customer Type
FlipName Flip name
CustomerType Customer Type
LandName Land Name
OwnerRemindDate Owner Reminder Date
PublicPrivateFlag Public/Private display flag. 1=Public, 2=Private
FAXAreaCode FAX Area code portion of phone number
FAXPhoneNumber FAX phone number (no area code)
EMail Customer email
PrintPINNumber PIN number used for printing case online.
ROWS Number of rows returned
Address Street address and city code
ParcelText label for pacel number
PARCEL Parcel number
AlternateText Label for alternate ID
AlternateID An alternate ID number, such as a license plate number
LocationID Location ID
CaseStatusCodes Status code for case
CaseStatusCodeDescription Status description for case
StartDate Start Date. Format: MMDDYYYY
ReportDate Report date. Format: MMDDYYYY
CaseLastInspectionNumber Last inspection number
CaseTypeCode Case Type Code
CaseTypeCodeDescription Case Type description
CaseDefaultInspector Default inspector ID
InspectorIDDescription Inspector name
CaseTenantName Tennant name
CaseTenantNumber Tennant number
CaseOriginationCode Origination code
CaseOriginationDescription Origination description
CodeMeetingCaseNumber Meeting case number
CaseCreditBalance Credit balance
PublicPrivateFlag Is for public display? 1=Public, 2=Private
Display Public/Private desctiption
WebPINNumber PIN number for viewing online
ErrorCode 0000=Success, 2004=No more records for this search
ErrorMessage Message returned with error code

Sample Responses

Sample Code

using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public void MethodName(parms)
    string uri = "http://localhost/FusionServices/v3/Naviline/CodeEnforcement/CaseDetails/14/408";
    WebClient wc = new WebClient();
    wc.Headers.Set("X-APPID", "YOURID");
    wc.Headers.Set("X-APPKEY", "YOURKEY");
    string stringResult = wc.DownloadString(new Uri(uri));
    JObject response = JObject.Parse(stringResult);
    string error = response["OutputParms"]["ErrorCode"].ToString();
    if (error == "0000")
        JArray jRows = (JArray)response["Rows"];
        foreach (JObject row in jRows)
             string LandID = row["LandID"].ToString();
             string NameType = row["NameType"].ToString();
             string NameDescription = row["NameDescription"].ToString();
             string Name = row["Name"].ToString();
             string Address1 = row["Address1"].ToString();
             string Address2 = row["Address2"].ToString();
             string CityStateZip = row["CityStateZip"].ToString();
             string AreaCode = row["AreaCode"].ToString();
             string PhoneNumber = row["PhoneNumber"].ToString();
             string NoticeLetterFlag = row["NoticeLetterFlag"].ToString();
             string CustomerID = row["CustomerID"].ToString();
             string CustomerType = row["CustomerType"].ToString();
             string FlipName = row["FlipName"].ToString();
             string LandName = row["LandName"].ToString();
             string OwnerRemindDate = row["OwnerRemindDate"].ToString();
             string PublicPrivateFlag = row["PublicPrivateFlag"].ToString();
             string FAXAreaCode = row["FAXAreaCode"].ToString();
             string FAXPhoneNumber = row["FAXPhoneNumber"].ToString();
             string EMail = row["EMail"].ToString();
             string PrintPINNumber = row["PrintPINNumber"].ToString();
             // TODO - YOUR CODE HERE

$.get('http://localhost/FusionServices/v3/Naviline/CodeEnforcement/CaseDetails/14/408', function(response) {

C# Razor MVC Sample Code

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using FusionServiceHelper.Models;

// NOTE: Use the namespace generated when you add the class, so that it is correct.
namespace FusionRazor.Models
   public class GetCaseDetails
       // Add property for each input param in order to map a field to it
       [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
       [RegularExpression("[0-9]{0,2}", ErrorMessage = "Numeric values only. Must be 2 digits or less. ")]
       public string caseYear{get; set;}

       [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
       [RegularExpression("[0-9]{0,8}", ErrorMessage = "Numeric values only. Must be 8 digits or less. ")]
       public string caseNumber{get; set;}

       public GetCaseDetails()
           //Set any defaults here
           caseYear = DefaultData.Get("caseYear");
           caseNumber = DefaultData.Get("caseNumber");
@* NOTE: Use Add->View to add the View. *@
@* NOTE: Check the 'Create strongly-typed view checkbox, and select the GetCaseDetails class. *@
@* NOTE: Select Edit as the Scaffold template. *@
@* NOTE: Use the @model line that is generated at the top.  Replace the rest with the lines below.
@model FusionRazor.Models.GetCaseDetails

   ViewBag.Title = "GetCaseDetails";
   string myUrl = "http://localhost/FusionServices/v3/Naviline/CodeEnforcement/CaseDetails/" + Model.caseYear + "/" + Model.caseNumber;

@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
       <div class="editor-label">Use the fields below to change the values and resubmit.</div>
       <div class="editor-label">
           @Html.LabelFor(model => model.caseYear)
       <div class="editor-field">
           @Html.EditorFor(model => model.caseYear)
           @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.caseYear)
       <div class="editor-label">
           @Html.LabelFor(model => model.caseNumber)
       <div class="editor-field">
           @Html.EditorFor(model => model.caseNumber)
           @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.caseNumber)
       <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>


@section Scripts {
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using FusionServiceHelper.Models;

// NOTE: Replace 'MyController' with the name of your controller.

// GET: /MyController/GetCaseDetails
public ActionResult GetCaseDetails()
   // Create a new instance of the model to pick up any default values.
   GetCaseDetails model =  new GetCaseDetails();

   // pass model to set to default values
   // NOTE: Change 'MyFolderPath' to the path to the .cshtml file.
   return View("~/Views/MyFolderPath/GetCaseDetails.cshtml", model);

// POST: /MyController/GetCaseDetails
public ActionResult GetCaseDetails(FormCollection collection)
   string url = "v3/Naviline/CodeEnforcement/CaseDetails/{caseYear}/{caseNumber}";
   // Get the value from each input field
   NameValueCollection inputParms = new NameValueCollection();
   inputParms.Add("caseYear", collection["caseYear"]);
   inputParms.Add("caseNumber", collection["caseNumber"]);

       // Send the request
       FusionServiceRequest request = new FusionServiceRequest();
       FusionServiceResult result = request.Get(url, inputParms);

       return View("Result", result);
   catch(Exception e)
       HandleErrorInfo info = new HandleErrorInfo(e, "MyController", "GetCaseDetails");
       return View("Error", info);