Get Land File by Alternate ID
Name | Type | Length | Description |
AlternateId | System.String | 25 | [Required] Alternate ID identifying the location |
GET http://localhost/FusionServices/v2/NaviLine/Land/ByAltID/{AlternateId}
Name | Description |
Function | Function command sent to retrieve the record. Internal use only. |
Order | Ordering code sent to retrieve the record. Internal use only. |
Error | Indicates if the record was found or not. 0=Found, 1=Not Found |
LocationId | Location ID of the land record. |
StreetNo | Street Number |
StreetDir | Street Direction. Ex. N, S, E, W, NE, NW |
StreetName | Street Name |
Apartment | Apartment Number |
ZipCode | Zip Code. Will include Zip+4 if available. |
CarrierRoute | 2 digit Carrier number and 2 digit Route number. Ex. 0104 = Carrier 1, Route 4 |
OwnerName | Owner Name |
OwnerType | Owner Type. BO-Billable Owner, BP=Billable Party, L=Landlord, LH=Lien Holder, M=Management Company, P=Primary Owner. Blank=Primary Owner |
OwnerAddress | Owner address line 1 |
OwnerAddress2 | Owner address line 2 |
OwnerAreaCode | Owner telephone area code |
OwnerPhoneNo | Owner 7 digit phone number |
ParcelNo1-10 | Parcel number for the location. Each section returned separately. |
ParcelType | Parcel type. Blank=Address, I=Intersection, M=Main parcel, P=Parcel |
AlternateId | Alternate ID or Tax Number |
StreetQualifier | StreetQualifier |
Acreage | Acreage. Returned as 4 digit decimal. |
PropertyCode | Property Use Code |
UndividedInterest | Undivided Interest Percentage |
TownshipCode | Township Code. Indicates which town or district it is in. |
InsideOutsideCode | Inside Outside Code. Indicates if it is inside or outside of city limits. |
CommissionerCode | Commissioner Code |
FormattedAddress | Street number, name, direction, and suffix formatted into the address |
StreetPostQual | Street Post Qualifier, such as Suite or Apartment |
StreetSuffix | Street Suffix. Ex. AVE, RD, CIR |
StreetPostDir | Street post directions. |
StreetPreQual | Street pre qualifier |
ParcelDeliveryPoint | Parcel Delivery Point |
OwnerDeliveryPoint | Owner Delivery Point |
GeneralLocationCode | General Location Code |
ParcelStatus | Parcel Status Code |
AddressType | Address Type. BO-Billable Owner, BP=Billable Party, L=Landlord, LH=Lien Holder, M=Management Company, P=Primary Owner. Blank=Primary Owner |
OwnerEffectiveDate | Date owner address becomes affective. Format CYYMMDD |
PlatBookPage | Plat Book Page |
UseZone | Use Zone |
FireZone | Fire Zone |
VarianceCode | Variance Code |
InspectionArea | Inspection Area |
Subdivision1 | Subdivision 1 |
Subdivision2 | Subdivision 2 |
Longitude11 | Longitude 11 digit (old) |
Latitude11 | Latitude 11 digit (old) |
OwnerDOB | Owner Date of Birth |
ExtendedAddress | Extended Address |
FreeFormAddress | Free Form Address |
RelatedPartyId | Related Party Id |
AddressStatus | Address Status |
AddressEffectiveDate | Date address becomes affective. Format CYYMMDD |
IntersectionStreet | Intersection Street |
IntersectionDir | Intersection Direction |
IntersectionSuffix | Intersection Suffix |
CensusTract7 | Census Tract 7 digit (old) |
ParcelSplitCode | Parcel Split Code |
Longitude15 | Longitude 15 digit. Format: 4039902.560000 |
Latitude15 | Latitude 15 digit. Format: 4039902.560000 |
MapX | Map X coordinate |
MapY | Map Y coordinate |
CensusTract11 | Census Tract 11 digit |
ErrorCode | 0000=Successful. 0001=Not Found |
ErrorMessage | Description of result |
Status | Successful, Rejected, or Error |
using System.Net;
public void MethodName(parms){
string uri = "http://localhost/FusionServices/v2/NaviLine/Land/ByAltID/r46600";
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
Common.SetResponseType(wc, "json");
string stringResult = wc.DownloadString(new Uri(uri));
JObject response = JObject.Parse(stringResult);
string error = response["OutputParms"]["ErrorCode"].ToString();
if (error != "0000")
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using FusionServiceHelper.Models;
// NOTE: Use the namespace generated when you add the class, so that it is correct.
namespace FusionRazor.Models
public class GetLandByAlternateID
// Add property for each input param in order to map a field to it
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
[RegularExpression("^(?=.{0,25}$).*", ErrorMessage = "Must be 25 characters or less. ")]
public string AlternateId{get; set;}
public GetLandByAlternateID()
//Set any defaults here
AlternateId = DefaultData.Get("AlternateId");
@* NOTE: Use Add->View to add the View. *@
@* NOTE: Check the 'Create strongly-typed view checkbox, and select the GetLandByAlternateID class. *@
@* NOTE: Select Edit as the Scaffold template. *@
@* NOTE: Use the @model line that is generated at the top. Replace the rest with the lines below.
@model FusionRazor.Models.GetLandByAlternateID
ViewBag.Title = "GetLandByAlternateID";
string myUrl = "http://localhost/FusionServices/v2/NaviLine/Land/ByAltID/" + Model.AlternateId;
@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<div class="editor-label">Use the fields below to change the values and resubmit.</div>
<div class="editor-label">
@Html.LabelFor(model => model.AlternateId)
<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.AlternateId)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.AlternateId)
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
@section Scripts {
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using FusionServiceHelper.Models;
// NOTE: Replace 'MyController' with the name of your controller.
// GET: /MyController/GetLandByAlternateID
public ActionResult GetLandByAlternateID()
// Create a new instance of the model to pick up any default values.
GetLandByAlternateID model = new GetLandByAlternateID();
// pass model to set to default values
// NOTE: Change 'MyFolderPath' to the path to the .cshtml file.
return View("~/Views/MyFolderPath/GetLandByAlternateID.cshtml", model);
// POST: /MyController/GetLandByAlternateID
public ActionResult GetLandByAlternateID(FormCollection collection)
string url = "v2/NaviLine/Land/ByAltID/{AlternateId}";
// Get the value from each input field
NameValueCollection inputParms = new NameValueCollection();
inputParms.Add("AlternateId", collection["AlternateId"]);
// Send the request
FusionServiceRequest request = new FusionServiceRequest();
FusionServiceResult result = request.Get(url, inputParms);
return View("Result", result);
catch(Exception e)
HandleErrorInfo info = new HandleErrorInfo(e, "MyController", "GetLandByAlternateID");
return View("Error", info);