Method GetBilledDetail


Returns usage based charges for a service on a given bill date


Returns the usage based charges for a service on the given billing date. Such as the charges by number of gallons of water used.

The utility services are water, sewer, sanitation, and others the city may have set up.

Calling the service requires the customer number, location number, billing date, and a service code to return the information for.

  1. Get the customer number and location number using one of the Account Search methods.
  2. Call GetUtilitiesBilling to get a list of bills and their billing dates.
  3. Use the ServiceCode field returned by GetCurrentCharges to get the services (WATER, SEWER, ELECTRIC) that have charges on the bill date
  4. For each utility service available to the customer, call this method with the corresponding utility service code to retrieve the list of charges for that utility service. You would need to call this method once for each utility service to get a complete bill detail for the billing date.

For each bill, it returns the following information:

Common uses:

Input Parameters

customerNumber numeric 9 [Required] Customer Number. See Account Search methods.
locationNumber numeric 9 [Required] Location Number. See Account Search methods.
BillDate date 0 [Required] Billing Date in YYMMDD format. See GetUtilitiesBilling method.
ServiceCode System.String 2 [Required] Service Code. Use the ServiceCode field returned by GetCurrentCharges


GET http://localhost/FusionServices/v2/Naviline/Utilities/{CustomerNumber}/{LocationNumber}/billing/{BillDate}/service/{ServiceCode}

Return Values

Description Description of what the charge is for. Usually indicating the usage rate.
Amount Total amount charged to the account.
Service Service code for the usage charge
BillingPeriod Date the amount was charged on. Format: mmyyyy
Consumption The total amount of the utility service that was consumed. This is for metered services, such as water and electricity.
Demand The amount of overage demand for the utility service. Overage demand occurs when the customer's consumption exceeds a set limit. This demand amount is normally charged at a higher rate.
Seasonal Indicates if it is a seasonal charge. Seasonal charges are based on time of usage, such as summer or winter seasons, or peak and off-peak hours. This field will give a value indicating the type of seasonal charge rates that were applied in calculating the bill amount.
JurisdictionCode Indicates the district that the utility service usage occurred in. The jurisdiction the customer is in is part of the billing rate calculations. Example: W1
JurisdictionDescripton Description corresponding to the jurisdiction code. Example: WATER ZONE 1
BillingClass Billing class is the group that customer’s account is part of. Common billing classes are R for RESIDENTIAL and C for COMMERCIAL. Some cities may have more billing classes defined for different types of commercial businesses or residential areas. The billing class the customer is associated with is part of the billing rate calculations.
BillingClassDescripton Description corresponding to the BillingClass code. Example: COMMERCIAL
Inside/Outside Indicates if the utility is inside or outside of city limits. Values: INSIDE/OUTSIDE
ChargeType Any additional code used to identify the type of charge
ChargeTypeDescripton Description corresponding to the ChargeType code.

Sample Responses

Sample Code

$.get('http://localhost/FusionServices/v2/Naviline/Utilities/{CustomerNumber}/{LocationNumber}/billing/{BillDate}/service/{ServiceCode}', function(response) {

C# Razor MVC Sample Code

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using FusionServiceHelper.Models;

// NOTE: Use the namespace generated when you add the class, so that it is correct.
namespace FusionRazor.Models
   public class GetBilledDetail
       // Add property for each input param in order to map a field to it
       [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
       [RegularExpression("[0-9]{0,9}", ErrorMessage = "Numeric values only. Must be 9 digits or less. ")]
       public string customerNumber{get; set;}

       [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
       [RegularExpression("[0-9]{0,9}", ErrorMessage = "Numeric values only. Must be 9 digits or less. ")]
       public string locationNumber{get; set;}

       [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
       [RegularExpression("^\\d\\d(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$", ErrorMessage = "Date values only. Format: YYMMDD")]
       public string BillDate{get; set;}

       [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
       [RegularExpression("^(?=.{0,2}$).*", ErrorMessage = "Must be 2 characters or less. ")]
       public string ServiceCode{get; set;}

       public GetBilledDetail()
           //Set any defaults here
           customerNumber = DefaultData.Get("customerNumber");
           locationNumber = DefaultData.Get("locationNumber");
           BillDate = DefaultData.Get("BillDate");
           ServiceCode = DefaultData.Get("ServiceCode");
@* NOTE: Use Add->View to add the View. *@
@* NOTE: Check the 'Create strongly-typed view checkbox, and select the GetBilledDetail class. *@
@* NOTE: Select Edit as the Scaffold template. *@
@* NOTE: Use the @model line that is generated at the top.  Replace the rest with the lines below.
@model FusionRazor.Models.GetBilledDetail

   ViewBag.Title = "GetBilledDetail";
   string myUrl = "http://localhost/FusionServices/v2/Naviline/Utilities/" + Model.CustomerNumber + "/" + Model.LocationNumber + "/billing/" + Model.BillDate + "/service/" + Model.ServiceCode;

@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
       <div class="editor-label">Use the fields below to change the values and resubmit.</div>
       <div class="editor-label">
           @Html.LabelFor(model => model.customerNumber)
       <div class="editor-field">
           @Html.EditorFor(model => model.customerNumber)
           @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.customerNumber)
       <div class="editor-label">
           @Html.LabelFor(model => model.locationNumber)
       <div class="editor-field">
           @Html.EditorFor(model => model.locationNumber)
           @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.locationNumber)
       <div class="editor-label">
           @Html.LabelFor(model => model.BillDate)
       <div class="editor-field">
           @Html.EditorFor(model => model.BillDate)
           @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.BillDate)
       <div class="editor-label">
           @Html.LabelFor(model => model.ServiceCode)
       <div class="editor-field">
           @Html.EditorFor(model => model.ServiceCode)
           @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.ServiceCode)
       <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>


@section Scripts {
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using FusionServiceHelper.Models;

// NOTE: Replace 'MyController' with the name of your controller.

// GET: /MyController/GetBilledDetail
public ActionResult GetBilledDetail()
   // Create a new instance of the model to pick up any default values.
   GetBilledDetail model =  new GetBilledDetail();

   // pass model to set to default values
   // NOTE: Change 'MyFolderPath' to the path to the .cshtml file.
   return View("~/Views/MyFolderPath/GetBilledDetail.cshtml", model);

// POST: /MyController/GetBilledDetail
public ActionResult GetBilledDetail(FormCollection collection)
   string url = "v2/Naviline/Utilities/{CustomerNumber}/{LocationNumber}/billing/{BillDate}/service/{ServiceCode}";
   // Get the value from each input field
   NameValueCollection inputParms = new NameValueCollection();
   inputParms.Add("customerNumber", collection["customerNumber"]);
   inputParms.Add("locationNumber", collection["locationNumber"]);
   inputParms.Add("BillDate", collection["BillDate"]);
   inputParms.Add("ServiceCode", collection["ServiceCode"]);

       // Send the request
       FusionServiceRequest request = new FusionServiceRequest();
       FusionServiceResult result = request.Get(url, inputParms);

       return View("Result", result);
   catch(Exception e)
       HandleErrorInfo info = new HandleErrorInfo(e, "MyController", "GetBilledDetail");
       return View("Error", info);